Sunday, April 8, 2007

Holy Week in Coco

Holy Week is a national holiday in Costa Rica. Businesses all about CR close for the week. No alcohol is permitted to be sold on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Many leave the big city (San Jose) and spend the week at the beach. Coco has been overflowing with Costa Ricans. I was taken aback at one point seeing a group of Costa Ricans gawking at some howler monkeys moving about in the trees above town; then I realized most Costa Ricans are city dwellers and seldom have the opportunity to come to a place like Coco. We are so so accustomed to life here we no longer stop for monkeys and lizards!

Very few of the folks on Holy Week holiday found their way into church. Attendance was no better that that of an "ordinary" Sunday. The liturgy was heavy with words from a book and very light on appeals to beauty and emotions. Still the core of the liturgical message came through. A core group of Christians witnessed the good news...Christ has risen...indeed He has risen!

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