Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Copan, Honduras

After breakfast we left La Esperanza heading north west. Immediatly we encountered rough gravel roads. For the first 4 hours of the day we covered only 48 miles, but they were interesting miles the road twisted, turned, and bounced endlessly.

By noon the road turned smooth and straight. We stopped for lunch in the town of Gracias. Our guide book says that the first Spanish explorers named it Gracias a Dios because the place was the first flat ground they had seen in weeks. In the town square we met a small group of great chicos. They played with our dogs, Davy and Scotty. One of the chicos was named David and got a lot of kidding from his amigos about having a dog's name. In the photo, that is David holding Davy's leash.

After 92 more miles on great road, we stopped for the night at Copan Ruinas, site of one of the largest Myan ruins. The town is cute. Tomorrow we tour the ruins.

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